Thursday, March 19, 2015

Project run and play march sew along dress. the knot dress.


Finally got my sewing mojo back, all thanks to my little baby A. While trying to catch up with the blogosphere, I came across project run and play blog their monthly sewalong caught my attention right away. This month, they are having a sew along for this free pattern by mesewcrazy. So cute isn't it? Too bad it only comes in size 2T to 6T, so I won't be able to sew for my little A yet. Luckily I know a sweet little girl of a friend who will look really great in this dress.

Size: 4T
Pattern: Knot Dress by mesewcrazy
Fabric: Polka Dot Tutti Frutti from Joann
A simple and straight forward pattern. But the end product looks awesome! Girly ties details and love love the back design:)

This pretty girl loves her new dress!

Good modelling yay!

Playing with Allen. The pics were taken after they have ended their school.

I can't wait for baby A hair to grow long so I can start tying her hair into nice hairdos just like big sister here.

Baby A in mummy made outfit. 'Mummy, you got to wait long long k, my hair still so short. LOL'
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. I love baby A's dress! I'm a sucker for seersucker, and the little knots on the shoulder look great, even in the tiny size. :-) The polka dot dress is adorable, too.

  2. Two cute dresses for two darling children. What fun you must have!

  3. So cute! The dresses and the girls!!

  4. Oh no! Too cute! Both the children and the dresses!

  5. What sweet little dresses! How pretty and fun for all.

  6. Oh my goodness - she is such a cutie! I am in love with that bright pink fabric!!!
